Auroraprint - hot foil printed swing tags and tickets.

Hot Foil Printed Swing Tags & Tickets.

We can hot foil print (or colour print) your swing tags and tickets using the best materials available, including Colorplan, Sirio, Cairn, Colorset (100% recycled), Conqueror plus many other materials.

Swing tags and tickets can be printed using either foil printing, colour printing, blind debossing, clear gloss foils or a combination of different print styles.

Single thickness, duplexed or triplexed swing tags can be printed using a combination of card types and colours.

Please get in touch for more details about the types of cards and print options.

White Foil Swing Tags

Black swing tags with white foil printing

Black swing tags/tickets.
Hot foil printed using white gloss foil on 540gsm ebony colorplan.

Copper Foil Swing Tags

copper hot foil printed swing tags on natural colorplan card

Satin copper foil printed swing tag, using 540gsm natural colorplan card.

Debossed Swing Tags

debossed and duplexed square swing tags

Blind debossed swing tags with colour printing on a duplexed 540gsm bitter chocolate and pristine white card.

Rose Gold Swing Tags

Rose gold foil printed swing tags on ebony colorplan card

Rose gold foil printing onto 540gsm ebony colorplan swing tags.


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Auroraprint is based in Brooke, Norwich - UK.

All images and content on this website are subject to the appropriate copyright laws © Auroraprint 2019.