Auroraprint - hot foil print quality and finishes.

Foil Printing Quality, Finish & Textures.

There are many print companies in the UK offering a foil printing service, but some of them aren't doing justice to the process by supplying a low standard of print, not explaining the process correctly, or in some cases using digital foil print instead of proper [hot] foil print.

This particular web-page has been created to give people a chance to see what the foils look like close-up and how well they can actually print, even on small detailing.

Below are some close-up photos of foil printed cards to show the quality of print that can be achieved with the foil printing process.

Foil Printing Quality

Foil printing quality - satin copper foil on ebony/black colorplan

Business cards printed with satin copper foil on ebony colorplan.
This cat design was tiny, but the design still printed well using a brass print plate.

Foil Printing Quality

Foil printing quality - light metallic gold foil printed on cobalt colorplan

Business cards printed with light metallic gold foil on cobalt blue colorplan.
Despite the small sizes used in this design the gold foil still printed very well.

Foil Printing Quality

Foil printing quality - rose gold foil printed on C7 colorplan envelope

C7 colorplan envelope printed with rose gold foil.
This font was aonly round 6pt in size, but the quality of print is still excellent.

Foil Printing Quality

Foil printing quality - metallic purple foil on smoke grey business cards

Business cards printed with metallic purple foil on smoke grey colorplan.
This Twitter logo, which was about 3mm, shows how small the foils can really print.

With careful design, and the use of the correct foils and print plates, the print quality that can be achieved is quite amazing.

In order to make sure that the print quality is the best it can be we always print from vectorised artwork.

Foil Printing Quality

Foil printing quality - light copper foil business cards

Business cards printed with light metallic copper foil on pale grey colorplan card.

Foil Printing Quality

Foil printing quality - rose gold foil on ebony colorplan business cards

Business cards printed with rose gold foil on ebony colorplan card.

Foil Printing Quality

Foil printing quality - white foil printed business cards

Business cards printed with white gloss foil on cobalt colorplan card.

Foil Printing Quality

Foil printing quality - copper foil printed on colorplan

Business cards printed with bright copper foil on bitter chocolate colorplan card.

We can use brass or magnesium print plates to apply the foils, but the brass print plates will allow for more depth (impression) on the foil, so are generally the recommended plates, especially with pigment foils such as gloss white and black.

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Auroraprint is based in Brooke, Norwich - UK.

All images and content on this website are subject to the appropriate copyright laws © Auroraprint 2019.